Miami Swim Week X Ete Swimwear
On Friday we had our Miami Swim Week debut! We held an intimate brunch where guests could preview our new collections. Delicious foods from Chia Co, fruit platters and mimosas were on the menu. Flowers by Sunshine Flowers. Here's a recap of the morning in images, enjoy!

Annalisa @moutachechic, Alice @aliceperrella, Sophia @sophietta, Vanessa @vanessarosetilley,
Alice @alicedetogni

Sunshine Flowers Wholesale & The Chia Co Chia Pods

Vanessa Rose @vanessarosetilley

Vanessa Rose @vanessarosetilley

"Be your own kind of beautiful" The girls were asked to write motivational quotes to add to the wall.

Emille Mendoza @emillemendoza & Boracay Skin @boracayskin

Alice @alicedetogni

Daniella @daniduqued

Christy Overland @kikioella

Daniela @ironnsalt

Laura @lauramvila and Lili @lili_vila

Dianna @followdee

Sofia Morgan @shecomesincolors and
Daniela @ironnsalt

Goody Bags for all the guests: Aqua De Vida, Francesca Jewellery & MUSQ

Until next time Miami...